Cubic Void WebGL

This is a WebGL version for Cubic Void.

It's built of the preview version for v0.4 so it might have a few new features.

The WebGL update system is going to be different to the main game so it will basically only get updated every one or two main updates. That means no bugfixes or small updates because I don't have enough time to build a new version for WebGL each time I update the game.

The current version is in v1, which doesn't mean anything other than stating how many times its been updated.

This is different from the main game and in further updates it will recieve less features to keep the file size to a minimum and let a wider audience be able to play. This is because I still want people to download the main game and not just play off this browser version so it will basically feel like and be a rip off version.

see you all in v0.4.


Cubic Void WebGL Play in browser
43 days ago
Cubic Void v0.4 WebGL Preview 16 MB
46 days ago


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