Cubic Void v0.4 Info

It has been a few weeks since any communication from me so here I am. I wanted to say that Cubic Void v0.4 is going ok and a load of features i've started are almost complete, although there are some features I have not started working on yet and they will take a while. I don't want to spoil anything more until I am close to the release of the update and speaking of the release, I have a bit of bad news. Development on the update has slowed down again due to real life getting in the way and a lot of features have been left unfinished or not even started. Also level 2 is taking a while because I want to include new stuff to make the gameplay more interesting. This all means that the update won't release for at least another couple months. It is a bit disappointing and I would like to try get back into the flow of development in the next few weeks.

I hope you all understand that the update has to be delayed more and I will try to communicate more through Devlogs and YouTube.

I'll see you all whenever I post again.


Cubic Void v0.3.4 Linux 63 MB
Dec 11, 2023
Cubic Void v0.3.4 Windows 43 MB
Dec 11, 2023

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