Update 0.3 Preview

Update 0.3 Preview

So far things have been going very well and development hasn't caused too many problems.

Redesigned the main menu and added new a play button where the player will access the main levels which will be added later in the development of this update.

Other minor changes are...

Player Camera has been zoomed out to give the player more room to look and not feel too limited.

Added a new pause button to the tutorial level and future main levels which doesn't do anything at the moment but will in the future.

Main menu access will be added to the pause menu when functional. Just keep in mind it won't save your progress in the tutorial level but it will in the main levels to prevent accidents and confusion.

The pause icon will be redesigned not look as ugly. Also a little preview of the new zoomed out camera.

I want to thank everyone so much who gave great feedback on the current update. Thanks for helping me develop this game and I hope you all like this update when it releases. It should be ready in about a month or two, depending on how busy I am but no promises.

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